Ready to kickstart your weight loss journey or just make some healthier choices? Here are five simple steps I’ve taken. They’ve worked for me, and hey, they might just work for you too! Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, nutritionist, or wizard—just sharing what’s helped me so far.

1. Hydrate Like Your Life Depends on It (Because It Kind of Does)

Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to… ignore. You’ve seen those gallon-sized jugs with motivational time markers, right? Honestly, who wants to sip warm, stale water by 4 p.m.? Not me! Here’s my tip: grab a large cup (mine’s a trusty 24-ouncer) and refill it throughout the day. It keeps the water fresh and way more appealing. My cup’s survived years because my daughters haven’t claimed it—a small miracle, really. At home, I borrow one of their endless water bottles and keep it topped up. Pro tip: Breaking down your water goal into smaller, refillable chunks makes it easier to hit that half-gallon to gallon target without feeling like a camel. Here’s the one I use at work!

2. Ditch the Soda and Energy Drinks (Even the “Healthy” Ones)

Here’s a wild fact I read once: cutting out soda and energy drinks can help you shed up to 10 pounds without breaking a sweat. That’s basically magic. Giving up my beloved black-and-gold Rockstar (the drink, not the lifestyle… or maybe both?) and my dear Mountain Dew wasn’t easy. They’re addictive! But trust me, if I can quit, you can too. My secret? Picture the soda as your ex—you’re better off without it.

3. Cut Down (Not Out) on Carbs: The Potato Chronicles

Carbs: delicious but sneaky little devils. I’m not saying ditch them completely (that’s cruel and unusual punishment), but cutting down can help your body tap into its reserves (read: stored fat) and curb your appetite. Last night, I savored a serving size of mashed potatoes—yes, just one serving. I wanted more but didn’t need more, and the world didn’t end. Turns out, portion control is surprisingly empowering.

4. Sweet Tooth Rehab: Cravings Without Caving

I haven’t had sweets since starting this journey on 01/06/2025. Okay, that’s a lie—I’ve had sweetened tea, but monk fruit sweetener is my new bestie. If I do indulge (and let’s be real, a Crumbl cookie is in my future), it’ll be deliberate and worth it. For now, a warm cup of tea with a hint of monk fruit hits the spot and keeps me from tearing through a candy aisle like a sugar-starved gremlin. This is the monk fruit sweetener I love—it’s a game-changer without the weird aftertaste!

5. Move With Purpose (AKA Get Off the Couch)

Here’s the hard truth: work activity doesn’t count as exercise. (I know, I was disappointed too.) So, I’ve started purposeful movement. My go-to? Walks with Odin, Pirate, and Hazel—even on days when collapsing on the couch feels like the only logical choice. Funny thing is, once we’re back, I feel less tired, more motivated to tackle dinner, and even tempted to fold the laundry mocking me from the dryer. Exercise for the win!

A Little Something New…

Trying something new has been a refreshing change in this journey. Whether it’s tweaking my routine or stepping out of my comfort zone, those small shifts have added up in big ways. If you’re feeling stuck, don’t be afraid to experiment with what works for you. Even baby steps can lead to progress.

About That Recipe Idea…

I know I mentioned a possible recipe last time we met, but I think I’ll hold off until I can take some photos of the process. Pictures make it more fun and engaging, don’t you think? Stay tuned for that—it’ll be worth the wait!

The Takeaway: It’s Progress, Not Perfection

None of these steps are groundbreaking, but they’ve been game-changers for me. Pick one, pick all, or just laugh at my expense. Either way, here’s to healthier choices and feeling good about them! Let me know if you’ve got tips of your own—I’m always up for stealing (I mean learning) ideas.

Tara Ann

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